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Writer's pictureRosaria Barreto

A bit about me...

Hello! I am Rosaria, but most people call me Rosie and I am the director of ATLAS STRENGTH. I help people achieve a level of confidence, get them to feel great about themselves and turn them from slow lethargic zombies into energetic happy bunnies. How? you may ask... 2 ways, actually. Number 1, I get people active, up off the sofa or away from a computer and get them strong toned and athletic. Number 2, I provide a therapeutic sports massage service that relieves stress and those daily aches and pains. I love to help people from all walks of life, from the everyday office job or student individual to the elite athlete.

I hope to inspire as many people as I can with my motivation for a healthy lifestyle and passion for sport. I currently study sports exercise and fitness management at the University of Portsmouth and play for the Universities 2nd Netball Team. I am the eldest of 9 kids and enjoy dancing, dressing up as all sort of characters and absolutely LOVE eating! If you have any questions about; Fitness, Strength and Conditioning, Training, Massage, Sports science research and study and maintaining a healthy lifestyle then get in touch! 

Each month I plan to write a little blog, it will be on anything to do with living healthy and happy lifestyle from, weekly meal planning to HIT workouts and gym guidance. If you have anything you would like to know more about, then please get in touch!

Being a student is hard, honestly it is! Especially when you want to get the highest grade you can! There are so many things to think about; what you’re going to eat, when, do you have to meal prep? when am I going to fit the gym in around lectures and outside study, if you play a sport training is usually in the evening so that’s it, no pigging out to re-watching game of thrones for the 3rd time. And Wednesdays are normally taken up by 5 hours of travelling to and from games, but even if you don’t have some of these commitments you also need to manage your social life by going out and getting wrecked and then going to lectures feeling like death and trying to retain the information, otherwise what’s the point?! Eh! So, there you go, being a student IS difficult!

Now, ladies and gents, motivation is the common denominator here, if you lack motivation and drive, then none of this is possible and over time you just get unbelievably stressed- Trust me, I’ve been there, done that. You need motivation to get out of bed, let alone go to the gym and chose a healthy home cooked meal over a take away!

So the first thing you need to do (#Rosieb’smonthlypieceofadvice) is to… JUST DO IT. Get up and do it, don’t over think it, get it done, do that deadline you’ve been putting off for weeks, go to the gym instead of watch that movie you’ve seen a thousand times. Once you’ve started JUST DOING IT then it does get a lot easier and you stop thinking about and it becomes second nature to JUST DO IT without fighting the demons on your shoulder.

Well that’s it for this month! If you do have anything you would like to discuss or blog inspo then please do contact me!


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