Before becoming a masseuse, I had never ever imagined myself ever massaging anyone, especially a stranger. But then I was given the opportunity to do it and I thought, why not?! As a sport science student I was getting the qualification at a discounted price and I even won a prize which gave me the money to be able to afford it. But, even then, It was not something that had ever appealed to me until I actually got the certificate and even then I couldn’t really see myself using this qualification as much as I do now.
Why do I love doing it? Well, firstly, I get to help people feel better and who doesn’t like seeing people smile (except for psychos) secondly, I love improving people’s well being and increasing their happiness. Thirdly, I get to socialise whilst working and finally Its pretty well paid.
But that’s not what this blog is about, its about why YOU should start looking at getting massages.
Massage therapy is a great way to improve your well-being and relieve your aches and pains. Being a pain is a pain and it makes life challenging. Deep tissue massage can help you feel better by targeting these problem areas.

2. A sports massage will focus on your muscles to keep them toned and responsive. When your muscles are relaxed, everything in your body works better, a lot better.

3. A relaxed body is also less likely to become injured. Regular massages will increase your flexibility and therefore life becomes easier! Your body is able to handle the demands of daily life.

4. Injuries are the worst, It's important to treat your body after an injury occurs. Sports massage is a great way to recover from injury as it encourages the healing process.

5. All these benefits and we are still not finished! Sports massage can help you target the build-up of toxins in your body and no one needs that negativity in their life, do they? Removing toxins will help your body fight off illness! This type of massage will target affected areas to give your natural systems a boost. It works deep in your muscles to release chemicals so your body can flush out these toxins.

6. Finalmente! Massage improves circulation and lymphatic flow- better circulation will give you more energy and flexibility, so you can move better in the gym and in other places (wink wink).

So how often should you get a massage? Yes, they can be expensive but it works so you are paying for results and there is not a price on your well being! I would recommend twice a month! But, for faster relief, schedule more frequent massages, lets say once a week. I would 100% recommend you to ask your masseuse for a deal if you go regularly to save the pennies!
